Review - '1984' by George Orwell

What I loved about this book:
 - its explorations of what is truth and reality
 - can the core of what it is to be human be changed?
 - the easy manipulation of those who do not want to think for themselves

What I disliked about this book:
 - it is extremely depressing and hopeless, to the point of being cynical and unrealistic
 - its view of relationships, specifically of women, has misogynistic tones
 - its characters aren't really likable
 - it's heavy-handed in what it's trying to get across

Still, for all of its flaws, it contains a lot of interesting ideas and is a book worth reading.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars

Review - 'Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis' by J.D. Vance

I liked this book because it was an interesting read, but at the same time, it fell short of my expectations because I didn't learn anything new from it. It was really just one person's view and experience growing up in difficult circumstances, which he overcame through a combination of hard work and loving grandparents & some extended family members. Through the progression of the book, the author slowly realizes that he controls his own future, that he is able to do anything he wants as long as he puts the necessary effort into it. However, I thought he could have gone further in treating the racism, cynicism, inability to honestly critique oneself, and not wanting to believe in facts that plagued others around him, instead of making up unnecessary excuses, which was incredibly frustrating to read.

Readaroo Rating: 3 stars

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