Review - 'The Couple Next Door' by Shari Lapena

This story starts out strong. A baby is kidnapped while the parents are next door at a party. Who could have taken her? Everyone involved has secrets, so many secrets. A competent detective is assigned to the case, and he immediately starts to suspect the parents.

Then as secrets are revealed, twists and turns appear, more and more of them, until they are so convoluted and twisting onto themselves that all sense of realism and believability is lost. Towards the end, it's hard to relate to any of the characters anymore or understand anyone's motivations or actions.

I did enjoy the author's writing style. It's sparse and action-driven, so it feels like the suspense level is high throughout, at least stylistically if not content-wise. And it contributes to a speedy pace.

And then we come to the gobsmacked ending. See, the story had already finished and everything was wrapped up. And then for some inexplicable reason, the author decided to keep going for an additional chapter, just to throw something shocking in at the end, except that it makes no sense and is completely ridiculous! Yikes... the author should have stopped while she was ahead.

Readaroo Rating: 2 stars


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