Review - 'We Have No Idea: A Guide to the Unknown Universe' by Jorge Cham & Daniel Whiteson

While most books tell you everything there is to know about a topic, We Have No Idea flips that on its head and tells you all that we still don't know about physics and the universe (which is a lot, it turns out). I went into this book having some knowledge of the topics covered, and it was really interesting to see them approached from the other side of what we don't know yet, especially with respect to how these topics relate to each other and fit into a bigger picture.

The tone and images throughout are a bit jokey and tongue-in-cheek, which is to say there are a lot of good (so good they're bad?) puns. I know some readers thought the jokes were a bit distracting, but I didn't feel they took anything away. I enjoyed them sprinkled through the pages and found that they livened up what otherwise would be very serious topics.

I think if you go into this book expecting answers, you'll be disappointed. Instead, this book reads more like a discussion. It slowly explores our current thinking, how we got there, the limits of our knowledge, and where possibilities lie for more research in the future. At times, it does repeat itself with what it doesn't know, so the book could have been a bit more concise in its presentation.

Overall, I got a lot of fascinating tidbits out of this book. It helped me connect some of my disparate thoughts into a more coherent picture of our universe, and left me with many questions yearning to be answered.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars


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