Review - 'Now I Rise' by Kiersten White

Now I Rise was really disappointing. All that I didn't like about the first book were magnified in this one. It was full of shifting alliances, palace intrigue, unrequited longing, lying, back-stabbing, drama, love triangles, double-crossing, and politics. It was so tiresome to read.

All the main characters were awful. One kills indiscriminately while looking down on others doing the same, and then laments why she has no one there for her. The other slavishly hopes someone who doesn't love him will one day return his unrequited love, but in the meantime goes about doing anything they ask.

It's too bad, because the writing of this series has been really good. But I think the plot just isn't to my taste. It's like reading a soap opera dressed in Ottoman wartime finery. How tedious. But I'm going to trudge on and finish the last book of the trilogy.

Readaroo Rating: 2 stars


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