Review - 'Fix Her Up' by Tessa Bailey

In Fix Her Up, Georgie is the youngest of her siblings, and has been treated like a kid her entire life by her family and the whole town. It doesn't help that for her job, she works as a clown to brighten kids' days. Travis is the town's prodigal baseball star, returning after an injury ended his career early. When Georgie proposes that they pretend to date each other to help her reputation and his chance of landing a new job, sparks start to fly.

Georgie is the real highlight of this book. She's spirited and witty, refusing to back down when difficulty strikes. She's also loyal to Travis, being there for him when he's going through tough times. I'm a complete sucker for romances with feisty female leads, so it's no surprised that I adored Georgie and totally connected with her.

I also adore this type of story: guy views girl as his friend's little sister and is gobsmacked when he realizes she's all grown up. There's something really cute in rediscovering that the love you've been searching for all your life has been right there in front you, if only you can stop and take notice.

This book was such a charming surprise for me, and I'm so glad I came across it. The characters are lovable, the dialog is sharp, and the development of the relationship is heartwarming. Romances are really personal, so it's hard to say if this will appeal to everyone, but I found so much to love in here. It looks like this is the first in a series, so I look forward to reading more.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars


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