Review - 'The Change' by Kirsten Miller

DNF - I tried, I really did. I've been slogging through this book for weeks. It dragged me into a slump the first time, so I took a break and came back hoping to feel refreshed. But no. I'm calling it quits before it drags me back again.

When did feminist literature become a cliché of men-hating tropes? Each male character in here is portrayed as either dumb or cheating or a rapist/killer. And every woman is frothing with rage to get even with the men who have hurt them, all the while menstruating torrents of blood (I kid you not) and taking care of their babies. There is a bitterness and hatred coming off the pages that makes the whole thing hard to stomach.

I always want nuanced portrayal in the books I read. Every person should be judged by who they are instead of the color of their skin or their gender. So it makes me really uncomfortable to see groups of people lumped together like this, as if the sin of one is a reflection of all.

My other problem with this book is that it's really long and slow. It seems more interested in thoroughly exploring the backstories of every character rather than forwarding the main narrative. So even though I'm 150 pages in (of an almost 500-page book), it feels like the story has just begun.

The blurb promises this to be "gloriously sharp and funny," but obviously it missed the mark for me. I haven't cracked a smile since picking this up, and there's nothing sharp about the writing or the characters. Every time I set the book down, I have no desire to pick it back up, which is a sure sign that I need to move on.

Readaroo Rating: 2 stars (DNF)

This was a pick for my Book of the Month box. Get your first book for $5 here.


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