Review - 'Dark Matter' by Blake Crouch

This moment slips past unnoticed.
The end of everything I know, everything I love.
If there ever was a science fiction story that could appeal to everyone, this is it.

Jason Dessen was living the normal happy life with his wife and son when one night, a stranger abducts him and knocks him out. When he comes to, everything has changed. How will he survive and get back to the life and the people he loves?

Ok, that's a pretty measly teaser, but it's all I can say without giving anything away.

This book blew my mind when I originally read it. But to be fair, I went into it almost completely blind. Not only did I not know the story, but I somehow didn't even realize what genre it was. So when strange things started happening, I was really REALLY surprised.

Even though this book is science fiction, it reads like a thriller. It's fast-paced and relentless in its drive to propel the plot forward. The action never stops, and the intensity just builds and builds. Every time I think I've got a grip on what's going on and where the story is headed, something happens that I didn't see coming.

This book is the rare one that's got something for everyone. It mixes together a variety of genres—science fiction, thriller, suspense, mystery, and romance—and it does so seamlessly. Even if you're not normally a sci-fi reader, it's worth considering this book. The concepts in here are accessible to everyone, and it's really the perfect introduction to the genre.

At the core of this story are questions that everyone can relate to. What happens if we made different choices in life? What about the road not traveled? And how much would we sacrifice to be with the ones we love?

I can't think of another story quite like this. It's worth the journey to discover it for yourself.

Readaroo Rating: 5 stars!


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