Review - 'Apollo 13' by Jim Lovell & Jeffrey Kluger

Apollo 13 chronicles the disastrous mission to the moon and the subsequent fight to save the three men aboard the crippled Apollo 13 spacecraft. I had previously seen the movie and was fascinated by everything that contributed to the eventual safe return of the astronauts. This book helps fill in the gap between a lot of what I didn't understand from the movie, and includes tons of new information. At times, the problems that beleaguer the ship are quite technical, but this book does a great job of presenting them such that they are interesting and easy to understand.

I confess I didn't find this book as gripping as I expected, probably because I mostly knew what was going to happen from having watched the movie many times. Also I finished reading Apollo 8 not too long ago by one of the same authors, and there was some overlap of content between the two books.

One note: I read the anniversary edition, which contains a new preface to the book. Unlike the rest of the book, I found the preface to be not really relevant and quite boring, and wish they hadn't added that unnecessarily to the book.ronicles the disastrous mission to the moon and the subsequent fight to save the three men aboard the crippled Apollo 13 spacecraft. I had previously seen the movie and was fascinated by everything that contributed to the eventual safe

Readaroo Rating: 3 stars


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