Review - 'Hunted' by Meagan Spooner

Wow, I loved this! Hunted is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. I went into it a bit unsure how I would feel about a different version of a beloved fairy tale, but this story completely works. It deviates quite a bit from the original fairy tale, so it feels fresh, while still paying homage to the original. It's beautifully written, with poignant passages that grip me long after I've passed them.

The heroine Yeva is strong and capable. Though she is at times impetuous, she never backs down in adversity. Her need and struggle to find something more to this life than just what's expected of her is something everyone can relate to. The beast's kindness and Yeva's slow understanding of his humanity is portrayed with complexity and compassion, and it's my favorite part of the book. They are two lost souls who find themselves and each other, and it's absolutely heart-warming to read their transformations.

I thought I'd gotten too old for fairy tales, but this story shows that one can never be too old for a little bit of magic and enchantment.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars


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