Review - 'The Secret Lives of Color' by Kassia St. Clair

The Secret Lives of Color takes us on a fascinating exploration of all the different colors throughout history and art. The book is divided into short stories on each color, filled with details about how they were made and used throughout history.

Before reading this book, I never gave much thought to all the colorful pigments we use in our daily lives, taking them rather for granted. This book's deeper look has made me realize that for much of history, it was difficult, expensive, and sometimes harmful to get even a little color into people's lives. This applied to all the great artists too, who had to be competent colorists in addition to artists in order to create their masterpieces.

Since this book is filled with lots of information, I found it best to read it slowly with a computer nearby. Whenever new colors or artwork is mentioned, I found it useful to look them up as I'm reading along so that I could get a more complete visual understanding.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars


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