Review - 'Lethal White' by Robert Galbraith

I've been waiting for Lethal White since I finished the last Cormoran Strike book almost three years ago, and I'm happy to report the wait was worth it. The characters of Cormoran and Robin, and their partnership and interactions with each other are among my favorite parts of the series, and this book continues to deliver.

Another thing I really enjoy is Rowling's writing style. Something about it draws me in every time. Her narrative and descriptions are clear and vivid, making it easy for me to understand and follow. Even though this book is quite long and can be trimmed down, it didn't feel long while I was immersed in the story, if that makes sense. It felt like the plot constantly moved forward and that momentum swept me along.

For a murder mystery, the mystery itself is intriguing and entertaining, though I would say the reveal in the end is the weakest part of the book. It didn't come across as a Eureka moment, partly because the plot was so complex that the explanation was hard to grasp at first. I didn't even realize that I was reading the big reveal until a few pages in. The reveal was structured such that it didn't explain everything in a logical order, instead explaining little pieces of it disjointedly one by one, making it hard to understand as a whole. It also didn't explain how Strike and Robin came to their conclusion, just that they thought of it and it made sense.

Still, this is one of the most enjoyable mysteries I've read recently. I'm already looking forward to the next book, and I hope Rowling doesn't make us wait three years again.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars


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