Review - 'A Touch of Gold' by Annie Sullivan

A Touch of Gold takes the King Midas mythology and tells a tale from his daughter Kora's perspective. She was accidentally touched by her father and turned to gold briefly when she was a child, and still bears the scars of that. When a hero is needed to save the king and the kingdom, she draws on her courage and sense of adventure to come to their aid.

While the story itself is likable enough, I found the characters to be rather dull, the dialog to be really simplistic and cheesy, and the villain to be over-the-top. Taken together with the romance, in which Kora seems to fall for whichever guy gives her any attention, the story comes across as very young and immature.

Maybe I would have liked this book more in my youth, but as an adult, it just didn't really grab my attention.

Readaroo Rating: 2 stars


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