Review - 'Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America' by James Forman Jr.

Locking Up Our Own provides a detailed look at how mass incarceration and the war on drugs and guns came to disproportionately affect people of color. These policies often had the support of African American leaders and community, and over time, they slowly contributed to making America the most locked-up country in the world. Many people are thrown in jail for minor infractions, which then robs them of the chance to get good educations and have job opportunities.

What's amazing about this book is its nuance and empathy. Forman shows that there were many factors that contributed to this appalling outcome. These factors were the best wisdom of the time, thought up by well-respected folks (such as community leaders, politicians, cops and police chiefs), doing what they thought were the best thing for their people. Instead, their policies exacerbated the already hopeless conditions of poor African American communities.

I found this book to be timely and insightful. It is a must-read for those who wish to understand why our criminal justice system is the way it is today, as well as some ideas on how we can help poor minority communities plagued by hopelessness and crime rise above them.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars


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