Review - 'Nine Perfect Strangers' by Liane Moriarty

In Nine Perfect Strangers, nine people arrive for a ten-day health cleanse at Tranquillum House. Each one is there for a different reason, but they have all been promised a transformative experience. But could there be more going on than meets the eye at Tranquillum House? And what is each guest's story?

This book falls squarely into the over-promised category. It was promoted as a thriller and a mystery, but it wasn't either, really. There were a few small reveals that kept the story interesting, but this book is mostly about its characters. We follow the guests and the people running Tranquillum House, discovering what happened that led each of them here and their progress as they work towards a better and happier version of themselves, even in the face of some odd happenings.

The characters are interesting, though some get more development than others simply because there are quite a few of them. Moriarty sprinkles her typical wit and sharp observations throughout, which led to a few good chuckles. She has this way of writing that grabs me immediately and pulls me into her story, and this is no exception.

I did feel a little let down at the end that nothing more exciting was going to happen since I waited for that through the entire book. But even without the mystery/thriller that was promised, I found this to be an engaging and fun read.

Readaroo Rating: 3 stars


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