Review - 'In at the Death' by Francis Duncan

In at the Death brings back amateur detective Mordecai Tremaine, this time investigating the murder of a doctor at a small English village. It has all the makings of a cozy murder mystery, with everyone hiding secrets and red herrings everywhere. The more that Tremaine finds out, the more questions seem to turn up.

And yet, even though the premise is interesting, this book just didn't grab my attention for some reason. The plot felt slow, with too much rehashing and pondering of the same points. All the possible suspects came across as rather bland and uninteresting, and no one really stood out in my mind. I felt like I plodded through this book, even though it all came together in the end and I was surprised by the reveal.

While I've been enjoying the series, this one turned out to be a bit of a dud. If you're interested in checking out the series, I recommend starting with one of the other books instead of this one.

Readaroo Rating: 2 stars


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