Review - 'Six of Crows' by Leigh Bardugo

I have been waffling on whether to read Six of Crows. I first picked it up from the library about a year ago, ended up returning it unread when it was due, then picked it up again recently. While the story sounded interesting enough: a heist by a criminal gang set in a fantasy world, I wasn't sure it would appeal to me. But I needn't have worried. Once the action started, it was an exciting and fun ride that doesn't stop.

But (and this is a big one for me), I had trouble getting into it initially. It took me a good 100 pages before I was immersed enough into the world that I was able to just read and enjoy it, without having to stop and think about what the author meant with this or that. This book lacks the smooth introduction that you would normally get with a book set in a different universe. It reads like the author expects you to have already been introduced to it, which makes sense because this book is set in the same universe as her previous books. But I've never read those books and without having that background, I found the initiation into this book to be pretty rough.

That being said, once I got past it and it became clear what the plot of this book is, the fun really started. I found all the characters to be likable and charming, even though they're criminals who come from tough backgrounds and have had to make brutal choices. One thing that is a little odd is that all the characters are teenagers, but I constantly imagine them to be in their thirties because of the way they talk and act. The plot is fast-paced and action-packed, never slowing down once it gets going.

In fact, once the fun starts, it doesn't stop... literally. The book ends on a cliffhanger. I look forward to digging into the second book, which should be a smoother ride now that I'm familiar with the universe.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars


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