Review - 'Love on Lexington Avenue' by Lauren Layne

Love on Lexington Avenue is a sweet and charming romance about two cynical people who've been jaded by past loves. Recently widowed Claire is trying to move on with her life after finding out her dead husband was a serial philanderer. When she hires surly contractor Scott to renovate her home, sparks fly, but both are too cautious to admit what's in their hearts.

This was a fun, light, fluffy read. I mean, who doesn't like a romance between two reluctant participants hell-bent on remaining single? I sure do. And there were plenty of witty banter between our two main characters as they try to deny their attraction to each other and hide behind their thorny exteriors.

And yet, while I enjoyed this book, I don't find it particularly memorable, just like the first book in the series. In fact, I find both of them fairly superficial in their treatment of love and conflict, with everyone exaggerating their feelings when it comes to minor things and hiding the real nuances away.

Also for a romance, this series is pretty PG-rated, with no blush-worthy scenes at all. If you're someone who enjoys romances but shies away from sex scenes, this may be the series for you. But I prefer my romances with some steam, because all that buildup should lead somewhere, and it's more realistic when it's included in the book.

Still, I'm having fun reading this series, and I'll definitely continue. There's one more book to come, and I'm already looking forward to it.

Readaroo Rating: 3 stars


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