Review - 'Well Met' by Jen DeLuca

Well Met is the quintessential modern rom-com. Emily, after moving to a small town to help out her sister and niece, is roped into participating in the town's Renaissance fair as a tavern wench. There she meets a swaggering, flirty pirate, Simon, with whom she immediately feels the sizzle of attraction. The problem is that the pirate happens to be played by an uptight English teacher who runs the fair on a tight leash while disapproving of Emily's carefree attitude. So what's a girl with this kind of hot/cold interaction supposed to think?

This is a slow romance, and it took a while to get going. It wasn't until about 100 pages in that the reader gets the first whiff of Emily and Simon's attraction to each other. But once there, the story gets to the good part, with lots of fun flirtations amid the backdrop of a Renaissance fair. Then, when they finally act on their feelings for each other and all seems set, another 100 pages of the book remained. Those last pages dragged on a bit with mostly uninteresting drama. In particular, Emily was extremely needy, and had to be reassured almost on a daily basis that Simon still liked her, which got a little tiring.

Overall, this rom-com fell in the middle of the pack for me. It's cute and fluffy, with the best part being the tavern wench/flirty pirate banter. It's a feel-good story, enjoyable though never quite rising to the level of memorable for me.

Readaroo Rating: 3 stars


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