Review - 'Mixed Doubles' by Jill Mansell

In Mixed Doubles, three friends make New Year's resolutions for the upcoming year: Dulcie wants a divorce, Liza wants to get married, and Pru wants her relationship to stay the same. But as the year goes on, adventures and surprises await each of the three friends, and nothing goes according to plan.

This story has all that I've come to love about Jill Mansell books. It's sweet, heart-warming, funny, and poignant. Each of the three main characters is well-sketched out, with their quirks and flaws, but still interesting and lovable. It's fun to cheer them on as they discover themselves and search for love. There were so many moments when I was laughing out loud, and also moments when I was wiping away tears.

For me, Jill Mansell is the queen of the beach read, and this is yet another to add to a collection of winners. Her stories, without being overly cheesy or saccharine, always manage to move me and touch me. They never fail to leave me with a feeling of happiness, which is exactly what I need right now.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars


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