Review - 'Revenge in Rubies' by A.M. Stuart


I enjoyed this second foray into the series even more than the first!

Revenge in Rubies starts off immediately in the thick of things: Sylvie Nolan, the new and much-younger wife of a commanding officer, has been brutally bludgeoned to death in her bedroom. At first, it seems like a simple case, but it quickly becomes clear that something altogether more complex and malicious is afoot. Soon, more tragedy follows, and Inspector Curran and Harriet Gordon must act quickly if they are to prevent additional deaths.

This story has so many characteristics of the Golden Age of Mystery. There is a small set of characters, so whoever is responsible must be among them. There are clues galore, so I can put on my detective hat and puzzle out the mystery right alongside our main characters. And there are plenty of red herrings and startling twists, so every time I thought I had it all figured out, an unexpected happening would force me to rejigger my entire theory.

One reason I fell for this series is its compelling lead characters. Set in colonial Singapore, Harriet Gordon is the exact sort of strong and unflinching female character I adore. In this book, we learn more of her backstory and her courageous involvement with the suffrage movement, which makes her even more endearing. And Inspector Curran continues to be kind and sharp in his investigation of the crime.

I thought the first book in the series was a little uneven in pacing due to the introduction of all the characters and backstories, but that's all been ironed out in this one. Stuart's clear and straightforward writing style keeps the pacing taut and the focus on the unfolding mystery. It was a page turner from the beginning to the end. It also, yet again, captures the lush humidity and oppressive heat of this region. Reading it, I felt transported to this time and place.

I'm always searching high and low for anything that resembles Agatha Christie, and this series is a worthy contender. It has all the elements I enjoy from a proper cozy mystery, and I'm thrilled I came across it. I wait with bated breath for the next book, and can only hope it's not too long.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars


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