Review - 'In the Deep' by Loreth Anne White

Ever since I read In the Dark last year by Loreth Anne White and loved it, I've been excited to check out more of the author's books. So it's with great anticipation that I dug into In the Deep, the author's latest offering.

Ellie had been trying to get over the traumatic death of her young daughter when real-estate developer Martin walked into her life and made her feel whole and happy again. Now as newlyweds, they have moved to an Australian coastal town so that Martin can be near his latest project while Ellie gets the fresh start she craves. But when Martin is brutally murdered, all attention focuses on his wife. But what secrets is she really hiding?

For me, I found this to be a good, though not great, psychological thriller. I think part of the problem is that this book feels very typical of its genre, in that everything is overly dramatic and amped up a notch. Everyone acts extremely suspiciously at all times, even when they have no reason to. There are secrets, but they are foreshadowed to be much bigger than they actually are. And my biggest pet peeve is here, where the unreliable narrator is only so because she can't stop drinking like a fish, even when she knows it makes it hard for her to remember clearly what is going on.

After all this over-hyping and over-emoting, when the reveal comes, it feels like a bit of a letdown. Sure, it's twisty, but it's not as mind-blowing as it was built up to be. I don't want to sell this story short, as I think most readers will really enjoy it. But for me, while it was an agreeable way to pass the time, it just didn't quite rise above the rest of this over-saturated genre.

Readaroo Rating: 3 stars


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