Review - 'Nothing to See Here' by Kevin Wilson

Every once in a while, I come across a book that seems to be exactly what I would enjoy, but for some reason, I just don't connect with it. And unfortunately, Nothing to See Here falls squarely in that camp.

When Lillian's best friend from her school days calls on her for help, she immediately jumps at the chance. When she arrives at Madison's house, she learns that her friend wants her to take care of her two stepchildren, who have the unfortunate ability of bursting into flames whenever they're upset. What at first seems like an impossible task soon brightens Lillian's life, and she realizes that she and the children are exactly what each other needs.

On the surface, this is exactly one of those quirky, heartwarming, satirical books that should be loads of fun to read. The storyline with those fire children is unique, and Lillian is a main character you can cheer for. Both she and the children have been let down by life too many times, and to watch their journey of discovering each other is lovely.

And yet, this book fell a bit flat to me. The characters came across as one-dimensional, where each person was reduced to just the one thing they wanted. The humor and the cursing came across as more flippant than funny. And the resolution felt rushed and sappy.

So many other readers loved this, so I'm just going to chalk up my indifference to me being the wrong reader for this book.

Readaroo Rating: 3 stars


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