Review - 'The Thursday Murder Club' by Richard Osman

After a certain age, you can pretty much do whatever takes your fancy. No one tells you off, except for your doctors and your children.
The Thursday Murder Club meets every Thursday (hence the name) at Coopers Chase, a peaceful retirement community where nothing much happens. That is, until a murder occurs within its idyllic community, and four of its septuagenarian residents decide to stick their noses in and solve it themselves.

I was immediately taken with the quirky and loveable cast of characters. The senior citizens made me chuckle with their sassy antics and their unapologetic zest for life. The gentle humor strikes just the right balance, without coming across as too flippant or cheesy. I also adored the detectives in here, with their protectiveness of these septuagenarians and their good-natured acceptance of their often questionable behaviors.

As for the mystery itself, it started out really strong. I was completely bought in during the first half, playing arm chair detective while following along with each clue and red herring. But then it kind of became convoluted and confusing. It seems like the book tried to insinuate guilt on every single character, one by one. It was fun for the first one or two, thinking that I've been duped, but it quickly became tedious. Thankfully, the ending wrapped everything up in a satisfying, if long-winded, way.

Overall, this was a really entertaining read, in large part due to its cast of sweet and funny characters. I'm glad this is the first of what looks to be a series, and I can't wait to read more.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars


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