Review - 'Kill for Me, Kill for You' by Steve Cavanagh

Your TBR is a mile long, you say? Who cares! Better move this one to the top of your list!

Kill for Me, Kill for You has been getting so much buzz, and rightly so. It takes inspiration from Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train, where the title characters propose swapping murders so neither will get caught. And this story takes that premise and just goes to town on it.

Sometimes you know from the very first page if a thriller is going to thrill you, and that's what happened here. I opened the book, and I was immediately riveted. It grabbed me so hard. When I was reading it, I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. And when I wasn't reading it, I was thinking about it and itching to get back to it.

This was such a fascinating, twisty, crazy story, it makes me wonder how Steve Cavanagh ever came up with it. And it reminds me never to get on the bad side of authors because wow, can they come up with some ingenious ways of killing people and have no one be the wiser.

I think part of the reason this story works so well is that not only is it brilliantly plotted, but it's also constructed in such a way as to squeeze every last drop of suspense and enjoyment out of it. There's a lot of different ways to tell the same story, some more effective than others, and I feel like Cavanagh came up with the absolute best way to tell this story here and that's why it's so unputdownable.

When it comes to thrillers, everyone always wants to know if the reveals are so amazing they'll knock your socks off. But I don't like to make too big a deal of them. It's hard to say if what surprises one reader will work for another. There were moments in this book I saw coming, ones I didn't see coming, and also ones that were a bit too out there for me. But all told, they delivered on the goods and kept me thoroughly entertained.

Whether you should add this book to your mile-long TBR is an easy call. If you're a thriller fan, this is a must-read.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars


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