Review - 'The Soulmate Equation' by Christina Lauren

Wait, The Soulmate Equation is a romance with lots of data and science in it? Okay, just shut up and take my money.

Jess is a single mother who hasn't had a lot of luck in the relationship department. So when the chance comes up to try a new dating app that uses DNA matching (science!) to pair up participants, she is rightfully skeptical. And when her numbers come back (data!) and she is matched to one of the founders of the company, she is dumbstruck. Because she already knows him in real life, and he is rude and stuck up. So how can they possibly be genetic soulmates?

That premise got me hooked for sure. How absolutely fascinating to contemplate the possibility that compatibility could be genetically encoded into our DNA, and we only need to suss out the relevant data and create an app to harness it. As a data-driven girl, I tell you this is right up my alley. Not to mention, I'm quite a sappy romantic and love the idea of soulmates.

But science aside, at its core, this is a terrific enemies-to-lovers romance, and that's one of my favorite tropes. Everyone's so gruff and uptight in the beginning, and then they slowly thaw. I was positively gleeful following along as this couple warmed up to each other and realized there is more between them than just hate and distrust.

There are so many lovable side characters in here, I can't figure out who I want to hug first. Fizzy, Juno, Nana Jo, and Pops add so much humor and heart to the whole thing, it almost feels like a loss to come to the end and have to say goodbye to them.

For a romcom, this book doesn't shy away from touching upon some of the more complex issues surrounding such a technology were it to actually exist. I particularly appreciated its exploration of choice versus destiny, and also what it means to find out you're genetically compatible with a complete stranger.

To be honest, I'm a little bit surprised by how much I enjoyed this. I had previously read a few other books by this author duo and they never really spoke to me (or maybe I just haven't picked the right ones), so I wasn't expecting much here. But I'm so glad I took the chance.

This is everything I want in a romcom—a fascinating premise, a swoon-worthy couple, tons of chemistry (har har), and the most adorable and funny supporting cast. While the unique premise drew me in, I stayed for the story, and what an absolute gem it turned out to be.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars


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