Review - 'How to Stop Time' by Matt Haig

Honestly, How to Stop Time is awful. To start with, where is the story in this book? I kept reading and waiting for the story to begin, and then I reached the end. The book is told from main character Tom's perspective, and alternates between (a little bit of) present day and (vast majority of) flashbacks and memories. The flashbacks and memories are so boring, as if the long convoluted tales had all the exciting parts taken out and only the mundane and pointless left in.

Tom is an extremely unlikable character, always afraid, sniveling and whining constantly about how awful it is to live a long time. His conversations are so awkward and weird that I find it hard to believe anyone would give him a job or grow to like him. In fact, all the dialog in this book were awful, making it hard for me to stay focused on the story. Tom is perpetually bemoaning the fact that he lost his great love... 400 years ago! How anyone could have not moved on in 400 years is beyond belief. And in the middle of every conversation, he checks out and daydreams about his life in the past.

Probably this book is trying to be deep about time and growing old, but it never achieves that. It was one cliche after another, interspersed with sentences of utter nonsense. How the author could have taken such a promising premise and turned it into such a bland non-story is just mind-boggling.

Readaroo Rating: 1 star


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