Review - 'The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business' by Charles Duhigg

The Power of Habit is an interesting read on how our habits affect our lives more than we may think. The book is divided into three parts, examining the habits of individuals, organizations, and societies.

I found the first part on the habits of individuals to be the most engaging and insightful. Duhigg is a great writer and slowly leads the reader to his conclusions with fascinating stories and experiments. While his conclusions aren't revolutionary (but are rather straightforward if you have spend some time thinking about this on your own), it was still engrossing to see it all laid out in written form.

I found part two and three on the habits of organizations and societies to be less compelling. At times, it feels like Duhigg really stretched hard to tie the stories he's telling into the themes of those sections. Some of his conclusions feel very hand-wavy, as if he fit the facts around a predetermined conclusion instead of the other way around. And he left out a lot of the complexities and nuances that contributed to why and how things happened the way they did, which came across as over-simplifications of the real world.

Readaroo Rating: 3 stars


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