Review - 'Sometimes I Lie' by Alice Feeney

In Sometimes I Lie, Amber is lying in a coma at the hospital, with no memory of how she got there. She can hear everything going on around her, but she can't move or speak. The story is told through three alternating timelines: right now while she is lying in the hospital, one week before this in the lead up, and many years ago through the diary entries of a young girl.

Pretty much nothing is as it seems in this story. I give a lot of credit to author Alice Feeney for coming up with and fitting more twists and turns into this one story than I have ever seen. The many reveals are definitely fun, though they require a big suspension of disbelief, because it's hard to believe that so many crazy things would all be happening around one person.

The one thing I don't like is that the main character Amber is rather unlikable. She's secretive, self-pitying, and waffling with indecision. She often withholds information from people around her and then acts very hurt when they don't read her mind. She assumes things but won't come out and ask, therefore spending much time nursing hurt feelings and mired in misunderstandings. The other characters in the story aren't much better either.

Overall though, the good outweighed the bad, and I found this book to be decently enjoyable. There are enough unexpected things going on in here to keep my attention. If you're looking for a domestic thriller with lots of outrageous twists and turns, this is a worthwhile one to consider.

Readaroo Rating: 3 stars


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