Review - 'Foul Is Fair' by Hannah Capin

Foul Is Fair is so wild and crazy! Like, what did I just read?

Jade wakes up after having been drugged and raped by four boys at a party. She and her friends vow revenge, and will stop at nothing to set right what has been wronged. She plots to destroy each of the boys, along with anyone who has turned a blind eye and enabled their behavior.

No doubt a lot of the appeal of this book is its boldness at tackling a crime whose punishment, in the real world, is often lacking or non-existent. It is unapologetic and fearless in its drive for justice and its thirst for vengeance. It feels right and good to read about a fantasy world where a powerless victim can go on to seek justice with their own hands, and I found myself cheering Jade on through each step of her journey.

This is probably the most bloodthirsty book I've ever read. I noticed it's marketed for young adults, but the content may be a bit too much for that age group. With all the violence and brutality, I sometimes felt a little distanced from the action and the characters. Some of the emotional connection is missing for me. It's extreme fantasy, and it mostly glosses over the nuances and long-term impact of emotional trauma.

Still, it was an interesting and unique story, one I'm happy to have picked up and read. Most books following the aftermath of rape and trauma feel unsatisfying because the victim never receives the justice they so rightfully deserve. This book turns that on its head. It's cathartic to immerse myself in a world where vengeance is served, and bad people get what's coming to them.

Readaroo Rating: 3 stars


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