Review - 'The Stars We Steal' by Alexa Donne

The Stars We Steal starts off with Leo, the heir to a derelict spaceship, trying to avoid the fate of having to marry for money. She's resourceful and smart, coming up with her own water-filtration system that could make money for her family while saving her from a marriage of convenience. But then it slowly devolves into a pointless YA romance, childish and overdramatic, and by the end, I lost all respect for Leo and this story.

Leo pines for her ex-fiancé, who she broke up with years ago. Now he's back, and she spends the entire book making eyes at him, while feeling hurt that he doesn't love her back, while giving signs that she hates him, while being sad that he's dating other girls. Ugh, I wanted to stab my eyes out. Please girl, figure out what you want! Stop giving mixed signals and expect others to read your mind, then acting so terribly hurt when they don't.

All the drama in this book is pretty much people not saying what they should, so there's a lot of misunderstandings. Leo, in particular, has serious trouble with honest communication. She'll do something strange, then refuse to explain, and then act like a martyr when others get mad at her. She chases after two different guys because she can't make up her mind, and honestly, she doesn't deserve either. And she keeps drinking like a fish to de-stress because her life is SO hard. Please, my eyes have rolled out of my head.

She's also portrayed as a privileged princess who can afford to look down her nose at others. She talks a good talk about how there should be justice for all, but when it comes down to it, she takes the easy road because her family and connections make it possible for her to do so. Meanwhile, she passes judgement on others who have to make considerably harder decisions in order to eat and live.

In the end, this was such a disappointing read. Leo is so annoying that it's hard to cheer for a character like that. The plot is silly, and it's barely a real one since all the drama is manufactured by people who can't communicate honestly with each other or refuse to listen. I'm looking for books right now to help me relax and take me away into a fantasy world, but this book just made me angry.

Readaroo Rating: 2 stars


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