Review - 'One Night on the Island' by Josie Silver

What do you get if you remove the romance and comedy from a rom-com?
Answer: One Night on the Island

DNF - I stuck it out for 120 pages, and I'm calling it quits. I don't really understand what this book is supposed to be, but it sure isn't a rom-com. Where is the spark, the chemistry, the steam? Or the humor? Or even just a halfway interesting story? Give me something!

So far, the defining theme of this story is that Cleo is an entitled brat who whines constantly and has her feelings easily hurt. And Mack is a dad who misses his kids so much that he has to get away from them for their own good. Okaay. And whenever Cleo and Mack "talk", they just throw random facts about themselves at each other from across the room.

There's nothing for me to work with here. This story is so bland, I'm not sure who I could recommend it to. Maybe if you're suffering from an injury and any kind of emotions/laughing would make you double over in pain. Or if you're a nun and your habit forbids you from reading anything remotely funny or romantic.

Readaroo Rating: 2 stars (DNF)

My heartfelt thanks for the copy that was provided for my honest and unbiased review. 


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