Review - 'Buzz: The Nature and Necessity of Bees' by Thor Hanson

In Buzz, biologist Thor Hanson takes us on a journey of bees, starting with their evolutionary beginning from wasps, to their diet and social structure, to their symbiotic relationship with flowers and vegetables that has exploded our world in color, fragrance, and taste. He talks about the bond between humans and bees, reminding us that we have relied on bees since the dawn of human evolution.

There are so many interesting tidbits and facts in this book. For example, there is evidence showing that humans evolved our large brains partly due to the consumption of nutrient and calorie rich honey. Another interesting fact is that there is a bird that will guide humans to beehives, resulting in the bird being given the most fitting scientific name of indicator indicator.

This book also talks about Colony Collapse Disorder, the possible reasons that might have contributed to it, and what people can do to help lessen the impact and save the bees. When we rely on bees for so much of our food (the list of foods requiring bee pollination is truly eye-opening), it's important that we take bee conservation seriously, and this book is a good starting point for that journey.

I went into this book knowing almost nothing about bees, and came away with so much interesting and relevant information. I highly recommend this book if you are curious about bees and want to learn more. For me, I will surely look at bees in a new light, seeking them out so that I can observe them with my own eyes as the wondrous and fascinating creatures that they are.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars


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