Review - 'Fairest' by Marissa Meyer

I'll be honest, this was a little disappointing for me. Fairest is a companion book to the Lunar Chronicles that tells the backstory of the evil Queen Levana. I thought it would explain why Levana became so evil and help me understand her motivations, but instead, it just shows that she was selfish, mean, and manipulative since she was young.

Levana in this story is pretty much the textbook definition of a psycho--unable to feel empathy for others or consider things from anyone else's perspective. She seems to think the world revolves around her and her feelings of pity and importance. Yes, bad things happened to her as a child, but bad things also happen to other people and they don't turn into evil rulers, so I don't buy it.

While this book was a quick read and there's nothing wrong with the writing, I feel it just didn't add anything to the series for me. I was looking for insight, and this didn't deliver it. I would say read this if you are curious about Levana's background. Otherwise, you can safely skip this book and not miss anything in the Lunar Chronicles.

Readaroo Rating: 2 stars


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