Review - 'Winter' by Marissa Meyer

Wow, what an exciting end to an amazing journey!

In Winter, the last installment of the Lunar Chronicles, all our favorite characters are back, along with a new story line following Princess Winter in a retelling of the classic fairy tale "Snow White". Winter's individual story is my favorite of the series. She's sweet and also a bit crazy, and there's just something so lovable about her. I adore her romance with Jacin, her stoic guard who tries so hard to protect her and not get involved, while she tries to thaw him out.

While the individual stories in each book based on the classic fairy tales are great, my favorite thing about the series has always been the overarching story to overthrow the evil queen. In this final book, everything comes together, and we finally get the epic conclusion I've been waiting for. This book is action packed, with so many heart-stopping scenes that there is never a null moment. Even though it's quite long at 800+ pages, it didn't feel long to me while reading. The pacing is spot-on, and the book seamlessly switches between the different characters's story lines.

I'm amazed at how Marissa Meyer was able to weave four separate fairy tales into one cohesive narrative, while staying true to the spirit of each fairy tale but also adding her own take. Each story is slotted perfectly into the Lunar Chronicles universe, helping propel the overall narrative forward. I haven't read a series that comes across as so epic, cohesive, and well-plotted in a long time, possibly not since Harry Potter!

*sob* I'm so sad I've reached the end of the series. It's been a fun and thrilling ride, and I'm so glad I was a part of it.

Readaroo Rating: 4 stars


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