Review - 'I Know Who You Are' by Alice Feeney

Wait... what did I just read? I'm so confused, and I'm pretty sure this isn't possible, not to mention really strange, weird, and revolting. It doesn't make any sense. My mind is blown, but in a bad way.

So the story in I Know Who You Are is that Aimee is an actress who comes home one day to find her husband missing. She reports him missing to the police, but as evidence starts to come to light, they become suspicious of her. In alternating chapters, we also discover what happened to Aimee as a child.

The premise of the story is interesting enough, but I think it didn't pay off this time. Feeney had the craziest twists and turns in her previous book Sometimes I Lie, but they worked in that story and made sense. Unfortunately, that isn't the case this time. When the big reveal happens in the end, I was just baffled. My mouth was hanging open, not from a happy shock, but from confusion.

Also, there is a lot of filler in this book to fluff out the pages. We are treated to so much random musings from Aimee about how she hard she has to work, how she has to lie to protect herself, how she lacks confidence, how she has to stay strong, ya da ya da. And the things she does and the lies she tells make her look terribly suspicious to the police, all for no reason.

I appreciate the author trying hard to shock readers in interesting ways, but it just didn't work this time.

Readaroo Rating: 2 stars


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