To be fair, As Good As Dead wasn't bad. But up till now, this has been my favorite YA mystery series for very specific reasons. And unfortunately, I feel like this last book in the trilogy completely jumped the shark.
One of the reasons I adore this series is because of Pip. She's smart, fearless, and snarky, the perfect rendition of a modern-day Nancy Drew. But not in this book. In this book, she is angry and traumatized, and has turned into my least-favorite trope of all time: a pill-popping, freaking out, paranoid, therapy-is-not-for-me female narrator.
Of course she's traumatized by what happened to her in the last two books. Who wouldn't be, if this was real life? But I don't always want darker and grittier and more realistic in everything I read. One of the main reasons I escape into books is to take comfort in strong characters who can kick ass again and again, rising from the ashes no matter what happens to them. So the fact that this book shat all over its strong female character is a huge disappointment.
My other problem is the mystery, or lack thereof. In books 1 and 2, we follow Pip as she investigates, talks to suspects, gathers clues, and makes deductions. In other words, your standard Nancy Drew brought to life. But in this book, the mystery is just a small subset of the whole story, and it is over quickly, with barely any detecting.
So what is this story taken up with? Well, the first 100 pages is devoted to Pip raging and popping pills. Then we mercifully get into the core mystery of this book, but that's wrapped up pretty quickly by the end of Part I. At that point, the book takes a turn in a direction I don't even recognize for this series and its characters. It is so out of left field that I was just stunned (and not in a good way).
And to make matters worse, the entirety of Part II is obvious. It's clear what is going to happen, and the book just takes 200 pages to spell it out in long form. I don't have to have surprise after surprise in my books, but I'm not a fan of reading hundreds of pages when things can only go one way.
Also, at the risk of sounding like an old fogey, I don't think this book is YA-appropriate. Books 1 and 2 were Young Adult, yes, but not this book. The fact that Pip skulks around and procures drugs from the neighborhood drug dealer, then inhales said drugs in order to take the edge off her trauma, not to mention what happens in the second half of the book, makes this one of the darkest books I have ever read, not just in YA.
If you're thinking about reading this series, I still recommend it, especially books 1 and 2. Thankfully, each book is self-contained, with a mystery that's all wrapped up by the end. Each subsequent book does reference what happens in earlier ones, so read them in order for maximum spoiler-free enjoyment.
If the other two books in this series didn't exist, I'm sure I would have enjoyed this and found very little cause for complaint. But they do, and I can't just erase them from my mind. I fell in love with the Pip and the mysteries of those books, so in comparison, this book was a shock and a disappointment.
Readaroo Rating: 3 stars
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