Review - 'Reckless Girls' by Rachel Hawkins

I'm super confused. I thought Reckless Girls was a mystery/thriller. But in that case, what book did I just read?

I thought I was promised a story about six people on an island, cut off from all civilization and help. At first, everything is perfect and they all think it's paradise. But slowly, strange things start to happen and of course, there is no escape. So you mean a locked-room mystery on an island? Say no more!

Except, I honestly couldn't find the mystery or anything resembling a thriller in here. Where is the tension and suspense? Or the crime? Or even a victim?

Instead, for the vast majority of this book, we follow a bunch of shallow twenty-somethings as they preen, try to get in each other's pants, swear a lot while saying the blandest things (which cannot possibly meet the bar for dialogue worthy of being in a book), and stir up drama out of nothing. It was so dull and petty. It's like reality TV, but not one I would actually watch because the people are boring and nothing is going on.

Then, in the last 50 pages, a frenzy of action happens, as if the book suddenly realizes it's time to wrap up. So it throws out one crazy development after another, with such rapid speed that I was afraid I would blink and miss it all. I definitely didn't see them coming, I'll give you that, but that's because the whole thing is ridiculous and doesn't make any sense.

After I was done with the book, I read the official blurb more carefully, and it makes a reference to Agatha Christie. Ah, all of a sudden, it makes more sense, at least what Rachel Hawkins was trying to do. But unfortunately, I fear the great dame would have rolled over in her grave had she seen this misappropriation of one of her classics.

Readaroo Rating: 2 stars

My heartfelt thanks for the copy that was provided for my honest and unbiased review.


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