Review - 'Local Woman Missing' by Mary Kubica

DNF - The writing style is not for me. The sentence structure is so simple, yet the content is overly dramatic and irrelevantly descriptive.

Here is the exact scene when I realized this book is not for me: The doorbell rings. It takes the character two whole pages (ten paragraphs) to walk over and open the door. In the meantime, we are treated to musings on the weather, how the apocalypse is coming because it's raining so much, how they should build an ark, how she went to church to confess just in case the world is ending, how her blood is running cold with fear at the thought of someone at the door, and how her partner isn't around to open the door for her. Then she finally opens the door and it's just her neighbor.

I'm exhausted from that scene and we haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet. I toughed it out for a few more chapters after that, but it's pretty much the same. So I'm going to call it and move on.

Readaroo Rating: 2 stars (DNF)


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