Review - 'The Duke and I' by Julia Quinn

In recent years, I have instituted a strict policy: I can't watch any tv or movie adaptation without having read the book first. And so in this fashion, many shows are forced to languish while I furiously try to read through my TBR. The Duke and I was one such victim, but no more.

And now that I'm done with the book, I can't help but feel slightly underwhelmed. Like, is this what everyone is swooning over? To be fair, the story is mostly fine, though a bit superficial. The majority of it is told via dialogue form. And while witty repartee is a big part of reading a Regency romance, this felt less witty and more cheesy. So while I smiled a lot, I also cringed at the overwritten and hammed up style.

The characters are all fairly one-dimensional. The only personality I was able to ascertain were from the men, who behaved ever more apelike as they asserted dominance over situations and each other. It really was a bit over the top. The fake dating trope of Daphne and Simon is one I'm normally a big fan of, but somehow I didn't quite connect with it this time. One moment, they were fake dating, then the next moment they were in love. Where is the transition? Still, it was mostly a bit of harmless fun.

However—and this is a big one—there is one particularly questionable scene near the end that I think most readers will object to. Reproductive coercion is not okay, and I'm baffled that this book not only portrayed it as no big deal, but in fact made it into the moral high ground. (I know this book is set during the 1810s, but was it written during that time too?)

Maybe I'm just too used to historical romances with more substance, where women are actually empowered, the plot is complex, and the dialogue makes me swoon. In comparison, this book feels rather simple, with a thin premise, fairly bland characters, and questionable scenes that masquerade as romance. It's an alright way to pass a few hours, but that's about it.

At least now I can finally go on to watch the show, so yay me!

Readaroo Rating: 3 stars


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