Review - 'It Ends with Us' by Colleen Hoover

"We all have a limit. What we're willing to put up with before we break."
When was the last time a book just completely slayed me, cutting me so deep and evoking such strong emotions? It feels like my heart has been filled, then broken, filled, then broken. In the end, I'm stunned by what I read.

It Ends with Us starts out innocently enough. We follow the courtship of Lily and Ryle. He is handsome, successful, and so thoroughly smitten by Lily he can barely think. He makes advances while claiming he doesn't do relationships. She rebuffs him while secretly pining for him. Really, it's all fun and a bit frivolous, your standard romance.

But then we arrive at the core of this story, which I won't spoil because it's best to read it from Colleen Hoover's own words. I'll just say that the main topic in here is something that a lot of books try to tackle, but very few do right. Hoover's portrayal is brutal and compelling, and it's hard to look away. Her nuanced approach makes the whole thing ring true, and she brings a humanity to it that is both sobering and heartbreaking.

I read this book years ago when it first came out, and I remember thinking highly of it, though not much else. So when I read it again this time, I admit I was shaken by how hard it hit me. I think it's because I'm older now and have more experience with love and relationships, so I'm able to appreciate this story even more.

My suggestions if you're going to read this book: have a box of tissues ready and don't skip the author's note at the end. I sobbed my way to the finishing line, then read the author's note and sobbed some more. This is a riveting and worthwhile read, though at times difficult, and it showcases Colleen Hoover at her best, taking her contemporary new adult genre and elevating it to soaring heights.

Readaroo Rating: 5 stars!


  1. Very nice review, Yun. I thoroughly enjoyed this book as well. I listened to the audiobook version and I will read the physical book the next time around.

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you're a fan of this one too. It's such a moving story!


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